Friday, August 21, 2009

Caught between tornadoes and a hurricane

Hello all,
We have had to alter our plans a bit as heading out to Newfoundland might not be the best idea at the moment with a hurricane/tropical storm on the way.  We were thinking about heading down to Toronto to kill some time, but the tornadoes there sort of put us

we are headed today to Montreal for a few days and then on to Quebec City, after that we'll see...

The kids are so excited to read comments on the blog, THANK YOU !

Wishing us all better weather!!!!


  1. Hi MacGregor Clan
    Just got back last night from Washington and Oregon - saw whales off
    coast - took a limo ride, solved 3 CSI murders at Oregon science center, shopped till we dropped. School in 4 days - you guys are so lucky.
    PS everyone in USA seems to travel with dogs (you'll look like natives when you get there).
    Keep having fun.
    The Leckie's

  2. Hey Team Mac !!!!

    There should be lots to see in Montreal....what ever happened to the old Expo '67 site? The Expo site is actually a man-made island!

    I will likely need to rebuild my 30 year old back fence...another item for the to-do list...and a BIG thank-you for the mystery envelope I received yesterday, containing a donation towards Don's Slurpee fund!!!! Always greatly appreciated when doing outside projects!!!!

    Have fun, luv Don
