Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Algonquin and Ottawa

We had a great time in Algonquin, although we were a bit disappointed that we didn't see a moose (but glad, as Michael W. said that we didn't meet up with one on the road).  We hear there are many moose in Newfoundland, so we might still see some!!  We went on a number of hikes, but I think the most impressive one was through the bog.

Our canoe trip was great, even with 2 kids and 2 dogs in a somewhat tippy canoe.  The one we are used to is much wider and easier to balance in.  It was a good workout for us paddlers!  Rianna just got the queen treatment as she was ferried about by us slaves!!

Speaking of Queens, check her out dressed up as Egyptian Royalty!  This was at the Museum of Civilization here in Ottawa.  Tons of cool stuff - they had to kick us out at the end of the day, and we had been there 5 hours!!!  The War Museum was excellent as well, just a bit much for Rianna and I.  There is a lot of really important things to learn about, but it is hard when you think about how many lives have been lost, and what so many men and women have lived through as soldiers, peace keepers, and civilians, too.  Sean particularly loved the huge room full of tanks and vehicles.

Today we did the Tour of the Parliament - quite amazing!  I think the Library is one of the most beautiful rooms I have ever seen!  The history in that block is very impressive!

Weather here has been very hot and humid - us dry Albertans find it very oppressive!  The bugs and mosquitoes are very bad and make it difficult to sit out in the evenings.  David seems to be particularly tasty and is starting to look like a contestant on Survivor with all his bites!  We need to stay at least another day and still will not get to see everything!!  David is already saying that six months is just not enough time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, all blogs sound so fabulous! Well, maybe not the big gulp one, but a little deprevation does make that coveted all the more tasty.

    Did you say that correctly, that David was thinking 6 months wasn't enough?? I"m glad it's written down because I'd never believe it, and by the end of month 6 he might not either. Good for you guys to have the adventure of a lifetime. To give you a little boost, I spent 3 days in the school (unpaid time) just to get semi organized and it all begins for us lowly teacher peasants on Monday. Wish I could wrap myself in a sheet (back up, have someone wrap me in a sheet dress) and then do nothing. Wonder how long it would take to get bored. You should do that as a social experiement. Maybe if Dave wore one, he wouldn't get sucked dry by the mozzies. Forge on dear friends!
