Friday, November 27, 2009


Guess what we learned tonight??  Armadillos live in Florida!  This is a photo of Rianna standing very still (good for her) as the armadillo walked across her feet.  This from a girl who freaks over crane flies!!!!  I was very proud of her!  This was about three feet behind our trailer.  In the morning we would get up and see all the little holes and claw marks that they left from digging up their dinner over night.  The campground is very nice, but has far too many squirrels for my liking.  The dogs  just go crazy over them still!!  You would think by now they would be used to them, but no!  We are staying in a dog loop which means that most of the campers in this area have dogs.  There is also a large off leash area for them to play.  This has given Oreo and Hershey a chance to do some socializing.


  1. Now we just wish we were there too. What more can we say except Tracy would have liked to go cart track too. Rose

  2. This is a test! I am visiting with Miss Collins and she is looking at my Blog!

    Hello from West Palm Beach!

  3. Rianna is a very brave girl!! I think I wouldn't be able to stand still while a creature was crawling over my feet!!

    I have never been to Blizzard Beach, but heard it was great! It is on my "to do" list.
