Monday, January 11, 2010

Botanical Field Trip

During it's Hollywood hey day, "Cactus Slim" Moorten was a
gardener who landscaped big name actors' yards, and helped 
provide backdrops for movie sets.  He started a garden in his backyard, and many movies and TV shows have been shot there.  Now, his son continues to develop this amazing garden, and to be involved in film and TV productions.  There is an amazing collection of desert plants from all over the world, and most are labelled, which I really loved!!
He also had this amazing dinosaur footprint from Texas.  His father worked with National Geographic for many years as a resource, and he got it through this connection.

Even though the rest of the family wasn't quite as excited about this little trip as I was, they ended up being very impressed.  There are so many amazing types of cacti and succulents, and it was very cool to see them all together, organized by ecosystems. We chatted with Mr. Moorten Jr. for quite a while about his experiences and it was great!!

Of course Sean could not
 be close to all of these cacti without being a bit of a goof, but what else would you expect??

At least he can identify this type of barrel cactus now!!

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